Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Do I Need a Home Inspection? - Real Estate Advice

Most home inspections today run between $300 to over $1000 and sometimes you don't really get your moneys worth. There are home inspection companies that guarantee, any problems that they miss will be repaired at their expense over a desired period of time, usually a year. It seems like, most home inspection companies are just inspecting the property and have no guarantees or liability from their inspection.

It's not a good idea to buy or sell a home without getting a home inspection from a licensed home inspector. This is like having a second opinion from someone who is usually skilled in the process. I would like to point something out to unsuspecting, potential home buyers and sellers. Sometimes a home inspection company will get a little behind in their work and need to hire other home inspectors if these home inspectors don't have any experience in the construction business or have never inspected a home before. In other words there fresh out of home inspector school. You might not get a good home inspection.

You can always ask the question, how long have you been in business?... How long have you been a home inspector?... have you ever worked in the construction business or have any skills in home building and remodeling. If the answers to these questions are satisfactory, it doesn't mean, that they're telling the truth and being sincere and could lead to problems later if they are lying to you.

Let me rephrase the question now, "Do I Need a Home Inspection" from an unqualified home inspector? Absolutely not. But how can you really tell the difference and is the report going to be worth the money that you paid for it.

What would you say, if I had the solution to your problem. How about a pre-home inspection, using a home buyers checklist? What if I could give you a check list with questions, that you could ask your home inspector? Some of these questions are not going to be part a regular inspection but should always be asked and make sure you get the answers to them, before purchasing the property.

Would you be interested now? What if I told you, for under $20, you could purchase a home buyers checklist, now for the tough question, this checklist could save you thousands of dollars and prevent you from purchasing a home with major construction problems or defects, and can be used on every house you look at.

Don't buy a home without purchasing a professional home inspection checklist. These lists of questions can save you some serious headaches and stress in the future.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more home inspection or home building ideas.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Plywood Roof Sheeting - Roof Framing Trade Secrets

Most framing contractor's look at the building plans and order all of the material, according to those that are specified on the plans. This works out fine, and can often save you money, but rarely produces the best home that you could possibly frame.

As a professional framing contractor, I would like to share one of my house framing tips with you. Most plans require half-inch plywood or oriented strand board as their roof sheeting. This product is fine and if you're building a lot of homes, you're not going to have the choice. Ordering larger sized plywood could cost you thousands of dollars, especially if you're building a lot of homes.

However, if your framing or building a home for someone or even yourself, you might want to take my advice and think twice about it, before ordering the roof sheeting. Half-inch plywood, works okay for 16 inch on center roof rafters or engineered truss roofing systems. It doesn't work well on 24 inch on center roof rafters spacing.

It is usually flimsy and weak at the center point, directly in between the 24 inch roof rafter bays. If you're going to use the half-inch plywood, I would recommend using plywood clips that are relatively inexpensive and can be placed in the direct center of each roof rafter bay on each sheet of plywood. These can be purchased at most home improvement centers or lumber yards.

The other alternative, and this is what I recommend, would be to use 5/8 inch plywood. This plywood works great for 24 inch on center roof rafters and you will have a nice sturdy roof to walk on, while roofing your home.

I have actually seen people step through the flimsy plywood, while lifting heavy roof tiles and bundles of composition roof shingles. Experienced roofers try to walk directly on top of the roof rafters, when loading their roof shingles or even carrying them on the roof.

If you're a home builder and your concern is about making a profit, you will need to use the half-inch plywood. If you want to build a superior roof, use the 5/8 of an inch plywood.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link House Framing Contractors.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a excellent home inspection checklist to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Subfloor Damage From Poor Bathtub Installation - Read Bath Tub Fixture Manuals

You should never under estimate the amount of damage that water can do to your wood subfloor. Especially if this wood is underneath your bathtub. If the bathtub is not installed properly, you could find yourself replacing the wood underneath, within a short period of time. This repair is not uncommon and as more homeowners and handyman seemed to be doing projects like these, without the proper experience, it's becoming even more common.

I wish I had a solution to the problem, however, I don't. The best advice I could give anyone who is going to be involved in any home remodeling project, would be to get some books on what ever task you are about to undertake and read all of the information that you possibly can about the products you are going to be installing. This is extremely helpful for anyone who has never installed a bathtub or any bathtub fixtures.

If the product fails and was installed properly, the manufacturer should be responsible for the water damage. I have been reading the manufacturer's installation manuals for quite some time now and every once in a while, I find something that is of great value to me and I get to pass it on to my readers. That's what I'm doing right now.

Whether you want to remodel your bathroom to save money or you want to accomplish a task that you haven't done yet. I would recommend, taking the time to understand, exactly how the water flows off of and on to another section of the bath tub or shower on its way to the drain. Understanding the basics of bathroom remodeling can save you big money in the future.

Save yourself some money and make sure that you install your bathtubs properly. Taking a little time before you start to read the bath tub fixture manuals, can save you some money and grief in the future.

Find More Facts On Home Water Damage.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Check out These Amazing Home Damage Videos.

Five Things That a Termite Inspection Company Might Not Ever Say

I don't think that I've ever heard of a termite inspector, ever go to a home and not find any termites. Even if the home doesn't have any damage that is visible from the termites, it seems like it's always a good idea, to tent the home, just in case, for protection. Anyway, here's five things that you might not ever hear a termite inspector ever say.

1. Your house is free of termites. This means that there isn't, one termite on your property and the termite inspector isn't going to make any money. Let's face it, termite damage, whether it's visible or invisible, keeps these guys working.

2. Your house isn't going to fall down, if I don't do anything to stop the termites. I have seen homes, where termites have been working on them for quite some time and they still seem to stand up and function properly.

3. Termites don't eat much and I wouldn't worry about the damage. Most termite inspectors will tell you how much a termite in Hawaii or Africa will eat in a day, but doesn't seem to have an honest idea, how much damage they are doing to your home, if they can't actually see it.

4. Every one that works for our company, has at least 30 years experience, repairing any termite damage. Don't even get me started with this one.

5. We will replace all of the termite damage wood, back to its original condition. What they might say, is that they will replace the wood that is damaged by termites, that you can actually see.

There are plenty of great termite companies out there and this article was meant just to have fun with most of them. Termite damage can be a serious problem with some homes and I would suggest that you contact at least three termite inspectors, before proceeding ahead with any home repairs or use of chemicals.

Try not to forget, the only way that a termite inspection company will make any money, looking at your house, will be to find something wrong with it.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Easy Home Repair Tips . Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link San Diego Remodeling Contractors

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

What If My Contractor Does Not Return My Call

This is one of the biggest problems in business today. You have some work done on your home in good faith that the contractor knows what he is doing. When all is said and done you have a problem that needs to be resolved as soon as possible. I really don't care how long it has been since the work was done. If you have a problem the least that your contractor can do is answer the telephone.

Some companies go out of business and others get to busy to respond to your problem. You will hear the old excuse "That's not my problem" or the ever popular " I didn't do that". I have been in business for over twenty years and had very few problems. Of course I built things to last as long as possible.

Keep in mind that some contractors are a one man operation and they might be on vacation. Some contractors do not answer their phones over the week ends or after business hours. So don't sink the ship to fast.

Do not call the Contractors Licensing Board or the Better Business Bureau unless it has been at least a few working days. I would give it at least a week or so. Oh yeah don't assume that the contractor got your message. Call a few times at the least.

It has always made me mad when I have to fix someone else's problems. I get the call when the other contractors won't respond. I listen to the home owner with regret for being in a business where I am considered a crook. This is one of the reasons why contractors in my business get out of it.

If you have the contractors address and they aren't responding by phone you can always send them a letter by certified mail. Request a return receipt. That's your proof that the company received your letter. Keep a copy for your files.

The good news for a home owner when a contractor will not respond to your calling them is the Department of Consumer Affairs. Most states have a complaint department of some sort that will listen to your complaints. Does this mean it will get resolved? NO there are no guarantees here.

If your state has a licensing board for contractors, this will be your next step.

This will get your contractors attention and there is a great chance they will respond now. If there are enough complaints against the contractor and they do nothing about them the contractors board will take their license away.

If your contractor does not respond after all of this. There is very little you can do about it. Hire someone to fix the problem and look at it as a very important lesson learned.

If your state doesn't have a contractors licensing board contact the Better Business Bureau or your local government for their recommendation. Ask some of your friends if they have had any problems like this and how they handled them.

For some more tips about hiring contractors go to

Greg Vandenberge has been in the home building and remodeling business for over 30 years. With this knowledge he has created a few websites that provide useful information for home owners as well as contractors. His main goal is to educate professionals in the home related businesses, dealing with problems that can easily be avoided with just a little bit of information.

His website provides all kinds of answers to remodeling and new house building issues that could create major damage as well as possible damage to your pocket book.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Plumbing Problems and Solutions - Repair Manuals

If you've owned a home for over 20 years, there's a very good chance, that you've had a water pipe break, a drainpipe clogged, a toilet that wouldn't flush right, or a water leak that damaged part of the home. If you don't know, what you're looking for and you have no idea what damage can be done, over time, this could mean trouble for the homeowner.

Plumbing problems like these have been around and will be around for many years. Knowing what to do about them, how to repair them and what materials will be needed, can be found in plumbing repair manuals for books. How would you like to have a professional plumber to advise you on your plumbing repairs. What if I told you that you could have a plumbing professional on hand at all times. Is this something that you might be interested in.

Well I can't guarantee that, so let's forget about what I just said and go to the next best thing. Plumbing repair manuals are full of tips and advice that when needed can sometimes be priceless. If water is leaking from the ceiling in your home and you have no idea, where the water is coming from or how to stop it from leaking, any information could be priceless and I mean priceless.

Plumbers, usually charge over $100 an hour for emergency service. I've seen plumbers come to peoples homes, turn the water off to the house, stop the water from leaking and now it is no longer an emergency. The plumber quickly pulls out an invoice for the plumbing repairs and it could be over $1000, if you decide that this is ridiculous and choose not to pay it, the plumber can hand you a bill for stopping the water leak. Some of these bills are what I would consider quite ridiculous, for just shutting the water off.

You're not paying the plumber for the amount of time it took him, you're paying him for his knowledge. If you knew where to shut the water off, you wouldn't have an emergency situation and could contact a plumber during normal hours. This could save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

With a simple home repair manual or a home plumbing book, you could prepare yourself for a situation like this and other plumbing problems. Most home repair manuals have general solutions and advice and can solve most of the problems around your home. If they can't solve all of the problems, they can probably save you from major catastrophes like a water leak.

Most of the time it's not the water leak that will cost the most money, it's the damage the water will do to your furniture, carpeting, wood flooring, walls or ceilings. A little information and preparation can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Home Plumbing Books

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Basic Home Electrical Wiring - For the Do it Yourself Home Electrician

The Green Bay Packers were one of the most successful football teams and Vince Lombardi said something to them that I will never forget," This is a football." All the football players laughed and he said that we're going to start with the basics and that's what I'm going to do, with this article.

Let's start with our electrical wire, the two most common electrical wire sizes, that will be used in most homes, will be 14 and 12 gauge electrical wire. Let's clear something up, right off the bat, the smaller the number, the larger the wire. In other words a 12 gauge electrical wire is a little bit larger and will carry more electricity, for longer distances than a 14 gauge wire.

What about electrical outlet plugs? These plugs are usually the same, except for the fact that they come in different colors. When I said that most electrical plugs are the same, I'm talking about your standard wall outlet plug. There are different electrical plugs that will be used for air conditioners and some kitchen appliances like 220 Volt electric stoves and ovens.

What about your home's light switches? Your standard two way light switch will usually turn a one light on or a group of lights on, from one location. A three way light switch will usually turn one light on or a group of lights on from two different locations. A four way light switch, will usually turn one light or a group of lights on from three different locations.

It doesn't get any more basic than that. I hope this gives you a better understanding about your home's electrical system.

If you're really interested in learning more about remodeling, new home construction, home maintenance, home repairs and really want to get the nuts and bolts of home improvement. Visit our web site and select from the best-selling home building books on the Internet.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more home inspection pictures or home building ideas.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Friday, September 18, 2009

Important Do-It-Yourself Home Remodeling Advice

Often I'm asked by homeowners, if they think that they can build something on their own. Often I end up explaining the process to them and it's pretty confusing. I would like to give some homeowners and construction handyman some do-it-yourself home remodeling advice, about projects that I think they should avoid and the reason why.

1. Working on Electrical Service Boxes

I really don't recommend, anyone who lacks experience working with electrical, to be working on it at all. When it comes to the electrical service box repairs, if you don't have any experience working in this specific area, I am suggesting this to all homeowners and do-it-yourselfers, stay away from electrical service power boxes. Electricity can be extremely hazardous to your health, so take my advice, this is coming from an expert on the subject.

2. Plumbing Water Supply Lines

I don't recommend, anyone who doesn't have any experience working with plumbing water supply lines, because if they break, or if your repair, doesn't hold properly, you could destroy a large portion of your home. Picture this, you just got through putting a new faucet in, everything looks great, but it's time for you to go to your baseball game. You come home about four hours later and the entire house is flooded with water.

This kind of stuff does happen and you need to take the advice of an expert here. It has even happened to me and I understand the process, pretty good. If you plan on fixing any plumbing water supply lines, make sure that you can spend the time, keeping an eye on your new home repair. If you're going to have any problems with them, they will usually happen within the first few hours of use.

I hope this helps, sometimes it's better to pay a professional, but I can understand, every intelligent person, is interested in saving a few dollars and learning new skills.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Home Repair Pictures and Advice. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link Vista Home Repair Contractors

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Five Things That a Termite Inspection Company Might Not Ever Say

I don't think that I've ever heard of a termite inspector, ever go to a home and not find any termites. Even if the home doesn't have any damage that is visible from the termites, it seems like it's always a good idea, to tent the home, just in case, for protection. Anyway, here's five things that you might not ever hear a termite inspector ever say.

1. Your house is free of termites. This means that there isn't, one termite on your property and the termite inspector isn't going to make any money. Let's face it, termite damage, whether it's visible or invisible, keeps these guys working.

2. Your house isn't going to fall down, if I don't do anything to stop the termites. I have seen homes, where termites have been working on them for quite some time and they still seem to stand up and function properly.

3. Termites don't eat much and I wouldn't worry about the damage. Most termite inspectors will tell you how much a termite in Hawaii or Africa will eat in a day, but doesn't seem to have an honest idea, how much damage they are doing to your home, if they can't actually see it.

4. Every one that works for our company, has at least 30 years experience, repairing any termite damage. Don't even get me started with this one.

5. We will replace all of the termite damage wood, back to its original condition. What they might say, is that they will replace the wood that is damaged by termites, that you can actually see.

There are plenty of great termite companies out there and this article was meant just to have fun with most of them. Termite damage can be a serious problem with some homes and I would suggest that you contact at least three termite inspectors, before proceeding ahead with any home repairs or use of chemicals.

Try not to forget, the only way that a termite inspection company will make any money, looking at your house, will be to find something wrong with it.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Easy Home Repair Tips . Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link San Diego Remodeling Contractors

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

How to Protect Foundation Plumbing Pipes?

If you install any underground plumbing pipes, in your concrete building foundation, you will need to protect them, from the concrete. You can use a variety of products and the most common of them will be a Styrofoam wrapping that can be purchased at most plumbing supply stores.

Let's start with the waste pipes, that are made out of plastic. The concrete could actually start to put pressure on the plastic pipes as the concrete starts to expand and this pressure could actually damage your new waste pipes.

You don't need to wrap all of the plastic waste pipes, only the parts of the waste pipes that will be exposed or in direct contact any concrete, but you do need to protect every copper water supply line that will be buried under the ground or exposed to the concrete, with a plastic sleeve. These products can be purchased again at most building supply or plumbing supply stores.

If these pipes aren't protected properly, you could find yourself within a short time, repairing the pipes that are either inside of your concrete foundation or buried underneath your concrete foundation. Either way, this isn't going to be a good thing.

You definitely need to wrap a plastic sleeve around the water supply pipes that are going to be buried or in direct contact with the concrete. This is a must and most building departments will require your plumbing pipes to be wrapped, before it they will sign off on your rough foundation plumbing inspection.

However, for the waste pipes, you can actually use cardboard to protect them. If you're short on funds, why not grab some cardboard boxes, dismantle them and start using cardboard to wrap the pipes, with a little duct tape.

There are plenty of ways to save money in the construction business, buy a few books, read a couple of articles, with a lot of pictures in this can provide you with lots of construction information, from experience building contractors.

Check out some of the best selling Home Building Plumbing Books all on one website

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Home Repairs. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks for reading our articles

Plywood Roof Sheeting - Roof Framing Trade Secrets

Most framing contractor's look at the building plans and order all of the material, according to those that are specified on the plans. This works out fine, and can often save you money, but rarely produces the best home that you could possibly frame.

As a professional framing contractor, I would like to share one of my house framing tips with you. Most plans require half-inch plywood or oriented strand board as their roof sheeting. This product is fine and if you're building a lot of homes, you're not going to have the choice. Ordering larger sized plywood could cost you thousands of dollars, especially if you're building a lot of homes.

However, if your framing or building a home for someone or even yourself, you might want to take my advice and think twice about it, before ordering the roof sheeting. Half-inch plywood, works okay for 16 inch on center roof rafters or engineered truss roofing systems. It doesn't work well on 24 inch on center roof rafters spacing.

It is usually flimsy and weak at the center point, directly in between the 24 inch roof rafter bays. If you're going to use the half-inch plywood, I would recommend using plywood clips that are relatively inexpensive and can be placed in the direct center of each roof rafter bay on each sheet of plywood. These can be purchased at most home improvement centers or lumber yards.

The other alternative, and this is what I recommend, would be to use 5/8 inch plywood. This plywood works great for 24 inch on center roof rafters and you will have a nice sturdy roof to walk on, while roofing your home.

I have actually seen people step through the flimsy plywood, while lifting heavy roof tiles and bundles of composition roof shingles. Experienced roofers try to walk directly on top of the roof rafters, when loading their roof shingles or even carrying them on the roof.

If you're a home builder and your concern is about making a profit, you will need to use the half-inch plywood. If you want to build a superior roof, use the 5/8 of an inch plywood.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link House Framing Contractors.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a excellent home inspection checklist to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Pure Water Benefits Of A Water Filter

Water is the main element in our body which we need to survive. Doctors recommend eight glasses of water a day, at least sixty-four fluid ounces. Our blood contains 83% water, the brain 74%, the liver 90% and our muscles around 75%, which makes water a must in our routine diet. The tough part is that the water we get at our taps is not as clear as we think it is and often carries bacterium along with diseases that can cause severe illnesses therefore installation of water filters is a necessity.

Clean Water Available Every Day All The Time

One of the biggest benefis of water filters would be the ability to drink uncontaminated water any time of the day or night without having to prepare or acquire long procedures to get it such as, boiling or buying it in a multitude of bottle sizes. There are water filter types for just about any use in your home from tap substitution water filters, to the shower heads and refrigerators; they all are extremely beneficial and provide a cleaner, fitter way of life for you and your family.

Inexpensive And Extremely Effective

If you dont want to make the investment by installing water filters for your whole house, you can get the substitute water filters that can be situated on any tap you want when you need it; in fact they are best left on kitchen taps where you need drinking and preparation water all the time but remember to turn it off when washing dishes or when in use for other purposes other then drinking.

Water Filters For A Better Skin

While the first thing that comes to mind when we think about water is using it for drinking purposes, water is ill-used for cleansing ourselves as well and it can be very damaging to the skin when contaminated by causing dry, cracked and an itching sensation to the skin. You can find water filters for your shower as well and assure that your skin receives uncontaminated water from the outside as well as from the inside; you will also sustain a great change in your hair as you do away with the severity of the water and the bacterium found in it.

Helpful Water Filter Tips

Help yourself, your family and the environment by filtering the water you use from drinking and cleaning; even your appliances will last longer especially the washing machine, dish washer and coffee maker when you use water that is free of bacterium and other grating substances.

You can find more information by browsing through our other articles about water filters.

Water filtration is so important for everyones health. Show your family that you care by visiting Water Filter

Learn more and see what is available when it comes to choosing a new water filter system. Water Filter will help you along the way.

Long Dryer Vent Problems

Contractor Selection

Consumer complaints about home improvement contractors now top the lists of all consumer complaints.

Some states regulate home improvement contractors, but many don't. Some states have strong consumer protection services. But, many state budgets these days can't offer much in the way of protecting consumers - especially after the damage has been done.

That's why it is so important to approach hiring a home improvement contractor in a way that will help prevent potential problems, rather than hiring haphazardly and hoping for the best.

Here are the top 5 steps you can take to help protect your interests when hiring:

  1. Know your state's laws regarding contractor licensing and insurance.
  2. Never hire a home improvement contractor without screening their reputations, years in business, licenses, and references, no matter where you heard about the company.
  3. Never agree to pay more than a token deposit in advance for work.
  4. Know exactly what should appear in a good contract, or have your contract reviewed prior to signing.
  5. Never make final payment 'on substantial completion'. Hold at least 15% back for payment when the last punch list item has been completed.

The home improvement bug hits many homeowners hardest in the Fall of the year. It's a prime time to make improvements that will reduce energy bills during the winter months, for instance. You may have been waiting for summer to end to put on an addition. Or maybe you're preparing to spiff-up the exterior prior to selling. Whatever the motivation for making improvements, you will be probably dealing with one or more home improvement contractors. This is a good time to brush up on your homeowner-contractor skills. The ancient adage, 'Caveat emptor' (Let the buyer beware) is never more true than when making home improvements.

Richard J. Roll, Founder and President of the American Homeowners Association (AHA) has helped over 1 million homeowners in all 50 states save money on buying and maintaining their homes. For more tools, information and resources to help you maintain your home and instantaneously save money go to for a special offer from AHA.

Materials For Stair Treads

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Finding Mold Killers

In order for a solution to be a worthwhile mold killer you need two important parts to stop mold growth. The first key ingredient is taking away the food source. The second important factor is changing the molds living environment. In order to be a categorized as mold killers the solution will change the DNA makeup of the mold and change it's local environment. In order to complete both, a great solution is encapsulation to develop a safe shield on the surface.

The system of developing a shield will destroy mold spores and block enzymes from growing back. while in the shielding phase the solution kills mold spores and block future reproduction. This clear surface changes the food source by not allowing the organisms to eat from that surface and killing black mold at the same time.

Many of the markets cleaners do destroy mold to a degree. An issue occurs when there is not future prevention. Thousands of Residential Mold Removal companies have been using mold killers and blockers to prevent future problems for the business and clients. A great mold killer for the famous black mold that we commonly see is about killing and preventing.

Forget about bleach. Although, bleach is a great cleaning product for the house. Bleach is harsh and full of chemicals to the point where they are more toxic than mold spores. The best mold solution to use is an organic product that is safe to use around your children and home. Not many products on the market are doing this because of the technology and possibly long term profits.

I believe if you clean mold and block it's future growth there may not be such a profit for companies. A speculation and you can come to your own conclusion. As a cmc certified microbial consultant is is always a must for my family and i to use a mold killer and block that is safe and organic to use around.e used.

If you have a bigger mold problem do research on finding a Mold Inspector and Asbestos Consultant. They will be a great resource for your family and offer sound advice. Think about a safe shield solution if you have a smaller amount of mold in the house or commercial space. Also, educate yourself on the mold symptoms so there is a better understanding of the mold spores and the effects to the system it can cause.

Markus Skupeika

Finding new solutions for mold and mildew removal. Great listing of sites and cleaning products for the fellow mold sufferers.

Mold Removal Information and Products
Mold Symptoms

Lowest Construction Bids

A Really Good House Painting Contractor

Determining what makes a good contractor is often relative to the job being performed and the type of contractor you are looking to hire. Different projects and fields require different skill sets sometimes, so a contractor's qualifications may vary from project to project.

There are certain qualities one should seek when deciding on a good house painting contractor. Obviously, skill with a paintbrush is a big one, otherwise what's the point. An eye for color and color scheme is a not so obvious quality. While homeowners or architects usually make decisions regarding paint color, a house painting contractor who is experienced in dealing with this aspect of the project can have valuable input. Design will ideally sync up with production flawlessly, but in reality, this is not always the case. A designer may have a bright new idea for a color scheme, hold two color samples up to each other and feel that they have found a winning match. Unfortunately, sometimes when the finished product is presented to the homeowner or designer, they react with disgust. Having another skilled opinion and somebody present during the actual painting will provide insight into the decisions.

As is the case with all contractors, a reliable house painting contractor is a huge asset to any project. Nobody wants somebody doing work for them that they cannot trust and rely on to show up every day, does not arrive on time and can never seem to work as efficiently and effectively as possible. Finding a trustworthy contractor is important to the success of your home projects.

More information on a house painting contractor and College Works Painting in your area is just a click away.

Getting Rid Of Horrible Attic Sm

Monday, September 14, 2009

Indoor Hot Tubs - Home Tips

Today, hot tubs are more popular than ever and the number of hot tub owners is steadily rising. If you are ready to join this already large group of home owners, you must decide if you would prefer an indoor hot tub or an outdoor. Hot tubs are traditionally found outside, but more and more people are choosing modern indoor versions.

Indoor hot tubs offer many conveniences that cant be found with outdoor tubs. Extra privacy is one popular convenience. Indoor hot tubs eliminate the awkwardness of using the tub in front of neighbors or passersby. This type of hot tub is located in the privacy of your home so it is only viewable to people you are already comfortable with.

Another primary reason many homeowners are now opting for indoor hot tubs rather than outside is the weather. An indoor hot tub can be used year round, regardless of the weather conditions, making an indoor tub perfect for everyday use. The usage of an outdoor hot tub is influenced by the conditions, as well as the season, resulting in a typical loss of three to four months of possible use.

If you plan to purchase an indoor hot tub, you should consider where you will install it and the people who will use it most often. To get the most relaxation from your indoor hot tub, you should place it in an area that is typically calm with little distraction. You should also consider a location that will minimize the mess of water, because an indoor hot tub makes it easier to get out of the tub and walk through the rest of the house before drying off.

Another thing to remember if you are thinking of buying an indoor hot tub is that, although they are more convenient, indoor hot tubs require more complex installations than traditional outdoor ones. Hot tubs produce extreme heat as well as high humidity so your hot tub needs to be placed in a well ventilated area of your home. Too small of a space can cause structural damage to your home, including weakened plaster and condensation that leads to mold and window damage.

A typical hot tub can weigh more than two tons when it is filled, depending on its size, so it is imperative to check the foundation of your home for sturdiness before installing your tub, especially in the room where you plan to install the hot tub. Wherever you decide to install your indoor hot tub, you should reinforce the floor in that room. A standard floor is only designed to support a quarter of the weight of a full hot tub. To allow simple maintenance of your hot tub, you should also ensure that the room you choose can be easily connected to adequate drainage.

Thomas Oak writes articles for if you are intrested in some addition information on a Hot Tub or are just looking for Spa Filters follow the links.

Stud Spacing And Wall Framing

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Best Type of Replacement Windows

If you are looking for the best type of replacement windows then you have come to the right place. I will provide you with very useful information that you can use to make the right decision as you start your window replacement project.

There are many ways of approaching this question of the best type of replacement windows. I will try and cover all the important aspects of it. That is, the best brands, best type in terms of make and functionality. Read it before you get scammed by an unscrupulous sales rep.

Energy efficient windows

If you are looking for the windows that will save you thousands on bills then your best type should be one that does a good job at energy saving. There are many brands like Amerimax but the best way to find one that will work for you is to use ratings. The best rating methods that are available today are the NFCR and the Energy star rating.


If you are planning to stay in that house for a long time then you probably are thinking about finding the best type of replacement windows that are durable. Well there are many brands that feature here - a few that comes to mind include Pella, Andersons, milgard to name a few. In previous articles I have written about top brands in terms if durability.

Storm Windows

To find the best type of windows that resist wind you need to find AAMA air infiltration rating or NFRC, which I highlighted earlier on. So if you are looking for the best type of storm replacement windows then think along wooden windows because they can easily be repaired.

Vinyl storm windows tend to get messed up pretty quickly. They then start leaking and get an ugly look that cheapens the house. Of course there are other options to explore here. Brands to consider here include Hurd, Marvin or Amerimax to name just a few.

Part of the house

Different windows work are good for different parts of the house. For example when talking about the best type of kitchen replacement windows then you need to think along casement windows. This is because kitchen windows must be airy. For the lounge you may need to consider bay windows and you can get yourself Milgard Vinyl for the back areas of the house

You also need to consider the best type of replacement windows that work well when cleaning e.g. tilt-in, double hung and if you want to take out the sashes and frames then your best type may be a full frame replacement window.

My point here is that "best" is different from one person to the next. As an expert I would recommend that you get in touch with a consultant to help you find the one suitable for you. It is easy to find help online without being charged anything.

Click here - the best type of replacement windows for instant access

Or find a list of pre-screened replacement companies located within your area. These can send a consultant over to your home for an obligation free consultation. Visit:

If this article has helped you in any way then I hope you can believe me when I say this site will help you as well. Just follow the links from there to access more localized assistance.

What Causes Attic Odors And Stra

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Kitchen and Bathroom Remodel - How Do You Begin?

Kitchen and bathroom remodels are on the rise as many people are deciding to invest in their existing homes instead of trying to sell their home and buy a new one. While the return on investment can be great, the details involved with making it all happen are often overwhelming.

The key to successful remodeling projects is having a plan in place that identifies all the major functional and aesthetic items needed to complete the job even before one hammer stroke is made. Setting up a binder or a accordion style file folder to organize all of the information you need to collect is crucial. Your contractor is going to be asking you for decisions on the big things such as flooring and counter top materials, and the small things such as cabinet hardware and towel holders. You should ask your contractor for a project plan so you are aware of the flow of work and can anticipate what materials will need to be selected and paid for, and what level of disruption you will be experiencing at the various stages of the project. Often plumbing fixtures and decorative lighting need to be ordered and there can be a lead time of up to two months. If your flooring or counter top materials are coming from over seas, there can be a three month or longer lead time.

Although it may seem counter intuitive, hiring a professional interior designer to assist you can actually save you money in the overall scheme of things. A professional designer will be able to select finite options for you to chose among, and has knowledge about the pros and cons of building and design materials. He or she will be able to help you make educated choices about where you can save money, and where there is a firm link between price and quality.

About the author:

Suzanne Lasky, Allied ASID is the owner of S Interior Design. S Interior Design makes homes harmonious, functional and beautiful for families with 2-legged and 4-legged members. Suzanne has an M.B.A. and an A.A.S. degree in Interior Design. Suzanne offers years of real world experience, giving her clients the peace of mind to know that their projects will be professionally handled from start to finish. She is an experienced residential and small commercial interior designer and is the exclusive provider of Pawprint Design Services 'Stunning Interiors with Pets in Mind'.

For more helpful tips-visit

Copyright 2007 Suzanne Lasky, All Rights Reserved,

You have permission to re-publish this article as long as the Resource Box is included with the article. All rights reserved.

Installing A 32 Inch Back Door

Kitchen Islands Vs Kitchen Island Carts

It's a battle for extra storage. Every kitchen needs it, whether you have a large or small kitchen there's always a need for more space to store food or neat little appliances that are supposed to make your life easier. For the act of actually cooking many times you need more counter space and more places for handy tools that you use. If your walls are full the next obvious choice is the middle of the floor. So should you install a permanent kitchen island or get a portable kitchen island cart?

Both have their benefits and drawbacks. Let's look at a few:

1. Portability. The cart is much more flexible and movable than a permanent island. This gives you the ability to use that space for something else when you aren't cooking, yet have it back at a moments notice.

2. Available storage space. Most islands are pretty good size so you tend to have more storage available with the bigger island than with a cart. A cart has less storage, too, because to remain movable you don't want it to get too heavy.

3. Workspace. Kitchen islands tend to have a lot more usable counterspace than a cart.

4. Electricity. If you want to have outlets to plug in your appliances, or even install big units like dishwashers and ovens into your island then a cart just won't work. The cart has no outlets because it moves.

5. Looks pretty. Both can be aesthetically pleasing. The island looks more like a part of the kitchen, while the cart tends to look like an afterthought, but both can be made to look appropriate for the space they're in.

6. Available seating. If the island is big enough you can actually sit around it and eat. Most carts are too small for this feature.

To read more about the battle between kitchen island carts and kitchen islands please visit our website. We also have information on painting kitchen cabinets if you're doing a remodeling project.

Ice Dam Problems And Solutions

Friday, September 11, 2009

Finishing a Basement - And How to Plan For It

Profile: We had the opportunity to talk about finishing a basement with Bobby Assadourian, President and CEO of Triple R Inc. Located in Hamilton, Ontario, Triple R has been serving customers throughout the Golden Horseshoe for six years. The company covers a wide range of renovation, rebuilding and repair services. One common job type is basement remodeling - Triple R can often be found finishing a basement in a new home, or enhancing an existing finished basement that needs work.

Other services include general repair and maintenance - both indoor and outdoor; renovations - bathrooms, kitchens, basements, and more; masonry; complete plumbing and electrical; landscaping; framing, drywall; painting; ceramics and flooring; heating and cooling; doors and windows; siding; and roofing.

Q: Let's talk about basements. Finishing a basement is a concern for many homeowners. What advice can you offer to get them started?

A: First, make sure your basement is dry.

If your home is new, wait two to three years to let the home settle and for all the materials in the basement to interact with each other. Be aware that some basement waterproofing may be necessary.

If it's an older home, make sure there are no moisture issues in the basement before you start anything!

Don't trust that basement moisture is temporary or may "go away," or that nice drywall and paint will "cover it up" - it doesn't work that way.

Every dollar you spend on your basement remodeling will be wasted if you don't address the moisture issues first. I'm always totally honest with homeowners: if they're better off to wait, I'll tell them upfront.

Bear in mind the Tarion warranty (see Tarion for the exact specifics regarding time limitations, etc.). During the two-to-three year period, you're covered for defects in the foundation - but you need to be able to see the problems! You have to see the whole basement floor and the walls. There can be no dream basement until this period is over!

The documents from Tarion often sit on refrigerators collecting dust, and that's very dangerous. You have to put off the sports bar, the home theatre and the sound system in the basement until you can be certain the foundation is sound. This might not be what you want to hear about your dream basement remodeling, but if you don't allow adequate time you're going to be throwing your money away (this all pertains to new construction).

Q: Assuming moisture issues are addressed, what's the homeowners' next step in finishing a basement?

A: Do not build to Ontario minimum building code! Mike Holmes of Home & Garden backs me 100% on this. Often, basement remodeling comes down to money - but beware that the "minimum building code" is exactly what it sounds like! It won't produce a basement or anything else that will stand the test of time and it won't provide value for your dollar. It's truly the bottom of the barrel.

The funny thing is, there's not much of a monetary difference between good to best. However, because building codes are designed for builders and contractors, in some ways the system benefits them. Builders can save a few dollars on products, and that really adds up over time as they build hundreds of houses. That's why many of them choose to build to lower specifications.

For homeowners, though, the cost difference is pretty minor. Labour is the same - or, in some cases less, because good products are easier to install. It's really worth your while to insist on the best when you're finishing a basement. Bear this in mind and you'll save a lot of pain in the years to come.

C: What's the best way for homeowners to budget for a basement remodeling and get a reasonably accurate idea of total costs?

A: To get an accurate idea, they shouldn't try to cost it out themselves - get a contractor.

Take your time, though, to educate yourself before calling a contractor. Read magazines, literature, talk to people at big box stores.

Get a really good idea of how your finished basement with look in terms of layout, design features, and materials - know them by trade name! Contractors have a much easier time when homeowners know exactly what materials they need. If you can't afford certain materials, talk to the contractor about finding the best balance between cost and quality.

Knowing your materials will also increase your chances of having a good contractor experience - the contractor will know within a few minutes of speaking whether you've done your homework and are knowledgeable and serious. Contractors need to impress homeowners, yes - but there's nothing wrong with the homeowner impressing the contractor! Contractors are more likely to prioritize your quote and get back to you quickly if they can tell that you are serious, that you know what you want, and that you've done your research.

Q: What trends are you seeing in basement remodeling? Any exciting new products homeowners should be aware of?

A: First off, remember that you'll spend a lot of money over the years heating and cooling your basement. Due to this, there's a growing trend toward being Energy Star-efficient and -compliant.

To achieve this standard, you must seriously consider upgrading from "pink or yellow" basement insulation to Roxul. It provides some labour savings because it's safer and not itchy, it lasts much longer - but most importantly, the energy savings are phenomenal! The money you spend upfront will pay itself back in dividends over the next few decades in energy savings. It's also fire-resistant.

Another interesting basement product to be aware of is "Ipex." It's a revolutionary plumbing product that's phasing out copper. It'll take several years for most contractors to adopt it, but that's true for any new amazing product that comes out on the market. Even if the products are the best choices for finishing a basement, or are more green and efficient than other products, contractors tend to "wear their old shoes."

Again, be aware of the product options when finishing a basement, do your research and be ready to ask for them by name. Show the contractor that you know what you're talking about.

Q: What other advice can you offer to homeowners looking to finish a basement?

A: To have a really successful basement renovation, you must have good communications with your contractor. The vast, vast majority of problems in basement remodeling are caused by poor communication!

Homeowners have to consider the time they spend looking for a basement contractor, or any contractor, as a dating period! "Date" your contractor for an appropriate amount of time, because you're entering into a relationship with that contractor. You need to evaluate them personally, not just professionally!

Q: Why did you join our contractor network?

A: It's an association that's doing good on a large scale and bringing quality people together. Since I started with them, nothing but good has come my way. These people run the company so efficiently and with so much discipline, and they contribute to so many good causes in addition to their regular work (such as the March of Dimes).

Q: We hope homeowners use our service to find a reputable local contractor...but if they don't, what criteria should they use to determine who's the right choice for finishing a basement?

A: I firmly believe that there are three or four valid ways that you can research a contractor and make very sure he's legitimate. When renovations go wrong, the contractor bears responsibility - but, to be honest, the homeowner usually does too! The bottom line is that a basement renovation or any other type of work demands that you thoroughly research both your project and your contractor, and maintain good communication. If you do that you'll almost certainly have a positive experience.

1) never hire a contractor without a city license (*note - where applicable).
2) call in to WSIB and make sure your contractor has proper workplace insurance.
3) call their commercial insurer.
4) call references and visit the jobs in person.

Remember that nobody else can do this for you (unless you're using a service such as ours). It is your responsibility and you must take it seriously!

You can view this article with photos on our website.

This article was written by Trevor A. Bouchard
President & CEO of Inc.

For more information go to:

Ice Dam Problems And Solutions

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Your Tin Roof - Four Reasons to Preserve This Heritage

Tin roofs are a part of our rich American heritage. Whatever your style-- standing seam panels, embossed tin shingles, copper sheets--they represent a piece of our past.

A notable founding father, Thomas Jefferson, is credited with influencing the early use of metal roofing. Due to the durability of the metal, the increasing availability of metal due to the industrial revolution and improved transportation, metal roofs established a strong hold on the roofing trade. World War II, introduction of inexpensive asphalt-based shingles, and increasing manpower wages ended tin roofing's reign.

Today, owners of vintage homes face an expensive decision when the existing metal roof rusts and starts to leak-save or replace.

Most owners would prefer to save a visible tin roof. There are four excellent reasons:

1. An old "tin" roof is usually a strong statement that "This residence belongs to someone who wants to save our heritage." Beginning in the 1990s, the release of modern coating materials allow this possibility. These modern coatings do not flake, last over ten years, and weatherproof against leaks. Plus these coatings are available in most colors.

2. Almost without exception, owners of tin roofing enjoy the sound of rain drops striking the roof panels.

3. Vintage metal roof owners tend to be aware of the importance of conserving our earth's resources. Indeed, this awareness has caused a resurgence of metal roofing because metal roofs are maintainable, reducing unwanted landfill deposits of old asphalt shingles. Vintage tin roof owners contribute to this renewable spirit by keeping a maintainable structure.

4. Finally the expense of maintaining a 100 year old roof compares favorably to new asphalt shingles and modern metal panels.

For the above reasons, tin roof owners are seeking and finding solutions to weatherproof older panels, protect the old metal integrity and improve the appearance of the residence.

If any tin roof owner wants proof of the durability of his/her roof, inspect the underside of a tin panel. Most of these metal panels were installed over slats, so the underside of the panels is clearly visible.

It is likely that the original coating is still intact over the original metal sheet. If the coating on the outside of the sheet is maintained, then that metal roof will probably outlast the present tin roof owner....and his/her children.

Painting Metal Siding

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Managing a Small Kitchen Design

Who doesn't want to have a lavishly designed kitchen? As you watch cooking shows and other programs featuring areas of the home, you will observe how most of the kitchens are greatly designed. But the problem is most of the people don't have enough budget to create a huge and stylish kitchen. But it is not impossible to recreate all this in a small kitchen design.

Being able to manage a kitchen design in a small area is a little hard thing to do. The things that you need to fit in and how you will fit every little detail is somewhat complicated. You can go and buy magazines that feature kitchen styles and get inspiration from the cabinet designs as well as the surface patterns that they utilized in creating the design of the kitchen.

To be able to produce an efficient kitchen style to a small area, you must remember about certain factors such as appliances, lighting and storage.

Designing a small kitchen could be a complex and challenging task. However, this doesn't mean that you won't be able to create a functional, stunning and efficient cooking area. Even if you only possess a minimal budget as well as building constraints, you will discover the numerous selections available in order to recreate your kitchen and turn it into an ideal cooking area that will suit your requirements.

To be able to make a roomy kitchen for a small area it is suggested that you incorporate exceptional storage solutions, combining natural as well as ambient lighting, utilizing space saving appliances and not to mention injecting some personal touches.

Small sized kitchen area necessitates creativity in order to produce unique storage solutions. You may try to set up a countertop in the middle of the kitchen to allow storage which is useful for any areas of the kitchen. These days, there are more and more appliances which are dedicated to fit small spaces and others that can be hung.

If you want to build a small dining area in your kitchen you can set up a table situated to the wall and place small chairs to it. Good choice of lighting can do the trick of making a small kitchen area appear more spacious.

Light hued cabinets accentuated with glass doors are appealing as well. You can also design additional counters in order to store more appliances and to add up more work area. You can hang up your cooking pots and pans as they look more stylish and space saving as well.

Create a pantry storage that has divisions which will reach up to the ceiling to provide you with more storage space and it is more convenient to organize food items. Large kitchen sink is far more sensible that having a small sized one especially when you are cleaning huge kitchen materials.

Not all people have the means to build huge kitchens. Small kitchen design is not a problem as you can maximize its capabilities of making your life easier when it comes to cooking. All you need is some creativity and practicality.

To learn more small kitchen designs, visit

Monday, September 7, 2009

Cost Saving and Efficient Wood Fireplace Inserts

There are many people that have gorgeous fireplaces that are focal points in their homes, but they do not access them very often due to their time and energy being used elsewhere in their lives. The beauty of the fireplace fire is wonderful once you have the energy to build one.

The wood fireplace inserts give you the same feeling and warmth that a traditional fire does but is much more efficient and there is a lot less work that has to be done in order to get one going. The inserts are becoming very popular in today's hustle and bustle world.

The cost that you would pay when you purchase a fireplace insert would more than make up for itself in the time that you save and the energy costs that you will save as well. The wood fireplace inserts can range in price from $1,200 to $2,200.

The price can vary depending on the accessories that you purchase with your fireplace inserts such as a blower, extra trimmings for your insert, and a glass or brass door that is installed in front of the insert. This price will also depend on the manufacturer and dealer that you purchase the insert from.

There will also be installation fees that you have to pay but you want to make sure that an item like this gets installed correctly to stray away from any kind of dangers or problems. The cost of installation usually runs around $400.00 but this also depends on variants.

The wood fireplace inserts have to have connections for the fuel and if you already have the correct ones within your fireplace, then your cost for installation will be on the low side but it could cost you up to $2000.00 if there has to be a whole relining done on your fireplace in order to make sure that the insert is connected properly.

The cost of the fireplace insert along with the cost of installation will be well worth it once you have started using your fireplace and over time, see the difference in the efficiency and the difference in how much work you had to do.

The wood fireplace inserts are a great additive to your existing fireplace in order to give you convenience and efficiency and still allow you to keep the wonderful warm feeling that you get from the flickering flame in your fireplace.

Simon Harris writes about wood fireplace inserts at

How to Choose Vinyl Replacement Windows

I will provide a very useful answer on how to choose vinyl replacement windows. If you read the article right to the end you will gain a lot of information including examples of some of the companies to consider.

There are several factors that affect the choice on vinyl replacement windows. Let me provide this in list form below.

First of all you need to consider the price: If you can get more windows for a small price then go for it. Most of them cost between $350 and $ 600 when retrofit installed. You can try silverstone, which is made by Anderson - a reputable company.
Energy efficiency: This is another consideration to make. These can obviously save you a lot of money in the long-term. In addition they tend to make the house a lost quieter. I know that Amerimax vinyl windows are good for this.
Dissipation: This is another important issue to consider on how to choose vinyl replacement windows. Some people have had Argon dissipating from double-paned windows within five to seven years. In some forums people claim it dissipates faster in wood clad aluminum. I cannot be too sure I have never tested this theory.
Must pass the NFRC standards and must be approved by Energy star.
Must provide a warranty: The best company should not be afraid to offer a warranty. The longer the better - as it shows the confidence they have on their product. You can check out Alpha Windows to see the kind of warranty they offer.
Best quality: the windows must be sturdy and reliable. I can only mention Tri-State and Alpha as examples to check out here.
The supplier must be within vicinity - this will help you save a lot of money on transport costs as you call them over and as they frequent your house to do the job.

Find a replacement window company near your area at:

Drywall Repair Considerations

There are numerous reasons why someone would be looking for drywall repairs. Just today I was getting a sandwich at a local eatery and a group of teenagers were bragging about how they had just finished repairing the walls from a party that got out of hand and were hoping that their parents wouldn't notice when they returned; I wonder who will be more surprised.

Doors are notorious for having a grudge against drywall. People have been known to poke, punch or even fall through sheetrock at various stages of life. If you have decided to rent a property, you may be getting a tough education in just how many odd and sundry damages can occur to walls. Perhaps you have purchased your first home and are noticing some cracking or nail pops - check your contract, a good portion of that should be covered in your initial warranty.

Regardless of the source of the damage to your drywall, you now have to decide whether it is worth spending your time to repair these areas or if you will hire someone else to complete the task for you. Whether you are doing the repairs yourself or discussing the cost with contractors, you may find these points helpful:

1) Nothing is perfect, primarily you are creating the perception of perfection, when repairing even a small damage you will want to flare your repair area so as to get a greater surface absorbing the repair. This will help to divert the eye from inconsistencies that even the best repair can leave behind.

2) If the sheetrock is broken, heavily cracked or noticeably uneven you most likely will need to remove and re-inforce a section behind the wall board. I have found that 1"x3" pine is a great resource in providing a firm backing and plenty of room to fasten the repaired section to existing drywall. There are some re-inforced surface patching materials, but unless you are used to working with these they can be difficult to texture.

3) Hot muds (joint compounds that have a set drying time) and aerosol textures are great for smaller areas. When working with hot mud, check the label and give yourself plenty of time before the material hardens because they tend to be a little harder to tool and difficult to sand. The aerosol textures are great for small repairs as they save you from having to get your texturing equipment out and dry much faster than convential texture.

H and I Construction, LLC Oregon general contractor specializing in remodel and repair. Find out more about us and view our projects -

Solar Hot Water Systems Australia

Hot Water Maintenance Artarmon has more than 15 years experience installing and repairing a full range of solar hot water systems. Solar water heaters utilise the free energy from the sun to provide your hot water. Some electric systems can account for up to 70% of your electricity bill.
Government rebates apply to this type of hot water heater to convert existing electric systems to solar hot water system because they are more environmentally friendly. There are two main types of solar hot water systems - close couple and split systems.

Close couple solar is when the whole system is installed on the roof, with the tank sitting above the solar collector panels. The sun heats the water as thermosyphoning moves it through the panels. There is minimal heat loss due to the direct heat transfer and as there are no moving parts, meaning very few problems. To minimise the visual impact, the tank casing can be ordered in a variety of colours to blend with your roof.

Split system solar is when the storage tank is on the ground and the solar panels are on the roof, giving a more streamline look to your roof. These models use a circulating pump to feed the water through the collector panels to heat up and then back to the storage tank. It is important with either system that it is installed correctly to gain maximum savings and hot water.

More information can be found about which Manufactures supply Solar Hot Water Systems at

Window Blinds May Be Useful For Tough Windows

Many homeowners and designers adore the appearance of window blinds, while others, however, may opt for a different type of window covering. Still, the challenge is controlling the amount of light that comes through the window. Some varieties of windows can be problematic for window blinds and shades. While it may seem possible to have window blinds, they may not be the most practical choice. This article will examine specific types of window problems with a light control solution presented for each. Window blinds may be the solution for some, while an alternative may be suggested for others.

One window that can present a difficulty is a sliding glass door. Not only are they large, but may sometimes they let the light just pour in. Window blinds can fit well in sliding glass doors but their size can make window blinds somewhat of an awkward choice. To compensate, count the number of glass panels you have and split the window shade accordingly. On a sliding glass door, one section stays static while the other moves freely. The best solution here is a two on one configuration. This is particularly true if many people will be using the door frequently, such as during summer parties and gatherings. This is an excellent choice if you prefer not to use window blinds for a larger space.

Another difficulty you may encounter is French doors. While window blinds look terrific on French doors, the door handle can sometimes prevent the vertical blind from working properly. In this situation, there are a number of options available. All products designed with a low profile head rail will work for this purpose. You will also require a device that will keep the veins of the vertical blind or other material to remain near to the door. In this way, any interference from the door handle will be minimized.

Bathrooms can be a tricky place to hang window blinds. Bathrooms are often rather damp, moist spaces. While you need ventilation to prevent the build up of mildew, you'll also want a sufficient amount of privacy while in your bathroom. Some window blinds may warp and crack over time as a result of the moisture in a bathroom. Obviously, you'll need to have window blinds that are able to withstand conditions such as these.

Nowadays there are skylights in a lot of homes. Skylights are a popular way to incorporate natural light and heat into your home. But at times, they can let in an overabundance of light, resulting in homes becoming too bright or overheated. The position of skylights could make fitting window blinds a challenge, but it can be done. One option offered by several companies is blinds that can be mechanically controlled. One such company is Sky Rise Skylight Systems. They stock shades and blinds that offer manual or motor control. These are an innovation that makes light control much easier, allowing you to get the most out of your skylight.

Some of us enjoy spectacular views out of large windows. But this scenery sometimes must be compromised in an effort to block the sun. Choosing window blinds that offer an abundance of width between the slats would be a great solution to this problem. These help to block the sun when necessary while preserving your home's amazing views.

It may be difficult to fit window blinds to the archways and other unusual shapes over doorways that allow light to pour into our homes. Some companies will make window blinds to fit your specific needs while others will need to be cut down to the appropriate size. They are now available with a pole-style control instead of more traditional cords. This is particularly useful when one part of a window is difficult to reach.

But you can find window blinds to fit nearly every window, although many of us may prefer something different. But window blinds are perfect treatments for windows and skylights. They can be custom made to fit any location you have in mind.

Today, window blinds are an easy to install home accessory, and to this end, Judith Persit has been writing about their selection and how wood blinds can be an attractive element for many buyers.

Heating Systems and Pink Elephants

If someone says, "Don't think of pink elephants," what is the first image that pops into your mind? Right, a pink elephant... Likewise, if your home heating system is not keeping you warm this winter, or it is only keeping you warm at the cost of unmanageable utility bills, the problem will be present in your awareness no matter how much you try to rationalize it away. You can tell yourself that next month's bills will not be as bad, or that it's not going to be as cold. If you are running space heaters, or trying to keep the house warm with a fireplace or oven, then you are only compounding the problem. There is no need to go another year or another month without an energy efficient central heating system for your home.

If your house is old enough, it might have one of those ancient floor furnaces. And it might even do a good job of keeping your home warm... but at what cost? Not only are natural gas prices high, but those old systems can be a risk for producing lethal levels of carbon monoxide gas. If you have done a good job of weather proofing an older house with one of those floor furnaces, you have just made it even easier for carbon monoxide levels to build to dangerous levels. Now, there is a pink elephant for you!

For maximum comfort, economy, and safety, you will most likely find that a new central heating system will provide you with the optimum solution for your home. Because of the incentive to reduce the cost of energy use, the home heating industry has been highly focused on producing energy efficient products for homes and businesses. The U.S. Government has also made it easier to upgrade to more energy efficient systems by offering tax breaks to home owners who have qualified systems installed. And, because there are very definite financial advantages to upgrading home heating systems, finance companies have made it easy to obtain loans to purchase and install them.

This triple bonus of savings in utility cost, improved home value, and potential tax savings should be enough to make short work of that elephant in your living room. But if that is not enough, also consider the improved comfort and safety that a new central heating system could provide for you and those dear to you.

Thinking about the solution does not make the problem go away, however. Give a call to your local heating system dealer to see what solutions they have to offer you. You will find that they will already have relationships with lenders if you need help paying for your new system, and in many cases you may be able to pay for the system over the course of twelve months with no interest. You will be happy to find experts that know exactly the kind of help you need, and banish that elephant from your awareness for good.

Bardi Heating and Air conditioning is an Atlanta area HVAC contractor specializing in design and installation of air conditioning systems for residential and commercial project of any size. To learn more their services please visit this author's website at

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Rustic Teak Furniture

If you are an outdoor furniture enthusiast and want to give your furniture a rustic and natural look you must go for outdoor teak furniture. This type of furniture brings natural ambiance around you so that you feel yourself so close with nature.

Today, this Outdoor teak furniture is gaining in popularity day by day because of its fine quality and rustic hue. By having outdoor teak furniture, you can get a number of benefits such as its environment friendly character, durability; comfort, all weather proof nature. You can find a large variety of teak wood furniture such as Adirondack furniture and Adirondack chairs, log swings and porch glider swings, rustic chairs, wagon wheel benches, wagon wheel furniture and garden tables. All these types of furniture are available in different sizes, styles and colours.

Outdoor teak furniture is considered an appropriate choice for lawn and patio furniture. It looks both modern and indigenous. The elegant environment that one finds by having this furniture is unique. If you want your furniture to have a long life, you should go for cedar, which is one of the most famous types of teak. Cedar is pretty thick, and has solid wood. Therefore, you don't have to worry about weather aspects. The smell of cedar is quite aromatic.

The colour of Teak furniture is not subject to being faded as happens in the case of metal furniture. That is why this teak furniture doesn't require painting and merely a simple finishing coat will be enough. Most of the varieties of teak such as cedar, aspen and pine go through the process of checking, which is one of the features of these woods. This process happens when moisture is released by wood. But, the structural process of integrity of the wood remains unaffected with the process. This process of checking is only done so as to enhance the style of outdoor teak furniture.

You can find some other varieties of outdoor furniture and accessories as well like porch swings, gliders, bridges, etc. All these outdoor furniture and accessories are formed of materials of superior quality. Outdoor teak furniture can be used for various other purposes such as patio furniture groupings and deck furniture.

So, if you want to have the feeling of comfort, relaxation besides so many other advantages such elegance, durability and nearer to nature then Outdoor teak furniture is the best option for you.

Dave Clark has many years experience writing articles, he has also written many books, and is well known in the industry. Dave currently has many projects he is working on, he is also on the board of directors for Cushy Sofa a manufacturer and online retailer of Memory Foam Pillows, Memory Foam Toppers, Memory Foam Sofas, Divans, Buy your Sofa and Memory Foam Mattress direct from the manufacturer.

Preventing Exterior Fires to Your Home

It is important to consider the exterior of your home as a hazard arean and should be a part of your property protection plan. Don't overlook the patio, back yard, roof and garden when making your inspection for fire hazards. These areas are just as important as the interior of your home, especially since there are other factors that can affect a fire's behavior.

Roof Safety

There are many homes lost due to the roof catching fire. If you are building or replacing the roof, ask your contractor about using non-combustible or fire resistant roofing materials, such as Class A shingles, metal, or tiles. If roof of your home is not fire retardant, it can be treated with fire retardant processes to reduce its flammability.

Yard Safety Cleaning

If you have a wood pile in your yard, following some basic fire safety rules can prevent it from catching fire. Always remember that the way you maintain the wood pile can reduce the occurrence, size, and intensity of a fire. Make a safety parimeter around the wood with about 30 feet of clearance. A fresh, green lawn makes a good safety parimeter, as long as it is clear of leaves, twigs, and other fuel for a fire.

When it comes to plants and trees, some are more fire resistant than others. For example, hardwood trees are more fire resistant than pine trees. Remove dry leaves, dead limbs, twigs and debris as they can turn a small fire into a large one. By thinning out your trees to keep a fifteen foot distance between tree crowns you can reduce the chance of fire spreading from tree to tree.

Tree limbs and dead branches should be removed from about 6 to 10 feet off the ground to prevent fires from spreading from the ground to the trees. Trees should be well maintained and pruned near buildings, stovepipes and chimneys.

Outdoor Grill

The best way to keep your outdoor gas grill in good and safe condition is to keep it clean of dirt, grease, and debris. Periodically check the case line for cracks. Propane or natural gas leaking from a cracked hose can be extremely hazardous.

Leo Nov is an editorial staff member of RestorationSOS, to learn more about fire damage and fire and smoke damage cleanup visit or call 1-877-767-2407.

Home Appliances, Select Them on Price Or Energy Efficiency?

For many people, price is the most important consideration when buying appliances. What they forget, however, is that there are two prices for anything which consumes power, the buying price and the running price. Buying appliances with energy efficiency in mind may cost more up front but save you money in the long run.

Most modern appliances like refrigerators and washing machines carry a label indicating their energy efficiency. Products which use the least amount of power are qualified to use the "Energy Star" label. This is a government backed program aimed at providing consumers and businesses information about saving energy.

In order to be labeled energy efficient, a product must meet certain criteria. For example, refrigerators must use 15% less electricity than the minimum standard set by the federal government. Office equipment must automatically switch to a low-power sleep mode after a certain period of inactivity.

Almost every major appliance such as air conditioners, freezers, furnaces, and pool heaters qualify for the Energy Star label. Buying an Energy Star product will save you money on your utility bills and will be better for the environment. Using less electricity in the home means less fossil fuel consumed by power producing plants, and less greenhouse gas emissions.

Will an energy efficient product save you money? Absolutely! Each product has a label which says how much energy it consumes. You can use this information to figure out exactly how much power you will save over the life span of the appliance. Factor in rising energy costs and your savings are even more.

The energy efficiency of any product is dependent on the engineering of the various parts that use power. For example, an air conditioner has a circulation pump, a fan, and a motor to turn the blades, as well as electronic components for controlling the temperature. Each one of these can be designed to save energy, so the overall energy efficiency is affected by the quality of these components.

Some local governments offer incentives for people to buy energy efficient products. Be sure to get informed - you may qualify for rebates or low interest loans to purchase these items.

Hans is author of and writes practical tips on energy conservation

How to Shingle - First Things First

If you want to know how to shingle, you've come to the right place. But first... a Bear Story.

It was easy to see how "The Bear" got his nickname. He was a big burly guy, covered with thick brown hair. Back when I started roofing in Cape Coral, Florida, The Bear was well known as the fastest shingler in town. He didn't tear off or run metal... all he did was shingle. Typically he would shingle an entire house by himself in one day.

I wasn't very fast back then. Occasionally my boss wondered out loud why I couldn't learn how to shingle like The Bear. At that point I didn't know how he was so fast, but one day I found out...

My Boss had hired The Bear to shingle a house and asked me to stop by to deliver some supplies. I was pretty excited to see what I could learn.

As I pulled up to the job, I could hear him shingling on the back side of the house. His roofing nailer sounded like a machine gun. I climbed the ladder and quickly discovered The Bear's Secret:

He was installing the nails way above the nail line. The nails don't go through as many shingle layers up there, so they go in fast and you never have to stop and fix a shiner.

Back then, few people paid much attention to where the nails went. But then Hurricane Andrew tore up South Florida, with billions of dollars in damages. Lawsuits flew in the aftermath and a bunch of roofing inspectors lost their jobs.

Turns out that shingles aren't very wind resistant when they're nailed in the wrong place. After that, the entire state started to sweat the details.

That's also about the time I lost track of The Bear. Perhaps he had a hard time adjusting to doing things right. Old habits die hard, you know.

Occasionally, I still come across a speed demon like The Bear. They're lightning fast alright, but I have no use for them. Speed alone is not enough.

As you're learning how to shingle, focus on getting the details right... such as proper nail placement. Speed will come in due time.

Of course there's a lot more involved in learning how to shingle. To make the job easier and help you avoid big mistakes, go to:

John C Bishop is the author of "Roofing Secrets: How to Avoid Leaks and Save Thousands of Dollars!"

Fuel and Other Energy Prices Will Soar Again

If you think you've seen the last of high gasoline prices, you are due a reality check. Gasoline and diesel fuel are made from a scarce commodity called crude oil that only a few countries have an abundance of, and the truth is, even they are starting to see a decline in production. Places like Saudi Arabia and Russia have the largest reserves, along with Iraq, Iran, and a few African nations.

These reserves are like a huge sword held above the necks of the rich industrialized nations like the U.S. and western Europe and, let`s face it, those countries don`t constitute a list of friends to the industrialized world. Russia has been an arch enemy for a century, but they need our money badly so they will continue to sell crude to the west for the foreseeable future. The Muslim countries, on the other hand, could cut off supplies at any time and still have vast financial resources to hold them over. These unfriendly nations, most notably Saudi Arabia, hate us with a burning religeous passion, but fear our military might, so they pretend to be friends, while biding their time and waiting for just the right moment to shut off the pump.

There is an abundance of coal, especially in the U.S., but it is an extremely dirty fuel and the technology to turn it into fuel that will run our cars and trucks does not yet exist, so, for the meantime, it will continue to be used to run our power plants, and those plants will continue to pump millions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere yearly, which is the #1 cause of global warming. Emerging industrialization in India and China has led to rampant use of fossil fuels to power their growing economies, with no constraints put on the amount of pollution released to the air, thus, scenes such as the constant brown pall over Beijing, brought to the attention of the world by western news people during the recent Olympic Games. This pollution effects the entire world, as wind currents carry it to every part of the planet, and is being breathed in by all six-and-a-half billion of us, while trapping the sun`s heat and causing global warming.

To learn more about the effects of global warming and how you can reduce your carbon footprint drastically while saving many thousands of dollars, visit my blog:

Interior Decorating Ideas

It's happening again. The styles and fashions that we thought we'd seen the last of a decade ago are re-emerging as the latest thing in chic design and people are going mad for it. In fact, one of interior furnishings mainstays throughout the eras has been the humble lamp and while bench surfaces, chairs, lounges and most other room items have gone through drastic changes, many of the retro lamps that emerged in the 1950s and 60s are still preferred today.

The great thing about decorating in retro style is that almost anything goes, as long as it is fun, combines shapes and colors and looks unique. Floor lamps such as the Arco lamp that reaches from one side of the reading chair to the other still looks appropriate, as does the square lampshade on a wooden pedestal base. From there it's up to your own discerning eye as to how funky you want to make the lamp shade with options of trimmings, tassels or prints to bring out your retro preference.

The great thing about deciding on a retro lamp is that if you don't particularly like the look of the traditional lamps from the era, you also have the more space-aged looking lamps that were inspired by the exuberance of the post-war optimism. New products such as melamine spattered with chrome and designs that were sleek and sophisticated combined to produce a very forward thinking look.

The great thing about using the vintage retro lamps that your parents loved is that the burnt orange lamp shades or the avocado ceramic lamp stand is now cool again because, well because it's retro.

An important part of putting together a retro room is adding furnishings that follow the retro style. Picking out a fun and funky retro lamp should be enjoyed. Visit Retro Lamps Galore to help put that new retro-style room together.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Best Metal Building Kit - New Constuction

More and more purchasers today are opting for prefab metal building kits. And why not? With all of the advantages that metal building kits offer, it would almost seem to be a mistake to choose any other construction method.

But how can one decide which type of kit is best suited to your needs? Is a pre-engineered metal building kit the right option? Would a panelized metal stud building kit be a better choice? What about a metal arch building kit? Or a fabric covered metal frame kit?

It is up to you the purchaser to complete your due diligence to ensure that you understand the differences, the benefits and the drawbacks to each building type in order to make the best choice for your building needs. For that, you need to do some research to see what each of the products is like.

Pre-engineered steel buildings can have large open areas, but can be more difficult to finish the interior. Panelized metal stud building kits when erected resemble a steel version of a conventional wood stud building which can have as many as six or seven storeys in height (great for office buildings and condos). Metal arch buildings have a user friendly erection process but its more difficult and costly to have window and door opening on the building sides

All metal building kits have the advantage to the purchaser of being prefabricated in whole or in part in a factory environment. This of course means that a higher level of quality control can be achieved. That item alone should put purchasers at ease. It also means that the purchaser must have all accessories and special loadings accounted for up-front. Once these prefab building kits leave the plant, it may be difficult to make changes that affect the structure.

If you are having your building kit erected by a contractor, it is important that you feel comfortable in dealing with that contractor. You may find that you feel uneasy in dealing with the contractor with a very good reputation. This combination will only spell more stress for you during the erection process and may have you second guessing what has been done.

If I have one parting thought for you its this: Do your homework. Understand what is available to you in each metal building kit. Understand what requirements you have for your new metal building. Evaluate carefully the benefits and shortcomings of your options. Only then can you make a stress free, informed decision.

For more information on the types and uses of metal building kits, visit

Prefab Metal Building Kits is a website for potential purchasers and contractors alike. Visit for information on the types and uses of metal building kits. You will find information on equipment, tools and software as well.